Ko Wai Mātou
Te Huihui o Te Kakau is a specialist marketing and engagement collective.
We’re experts in marketing, design, public health, co-design and more.
We’re a collective of passionate people drawn from Māori, Pasifika, Asian, Pākehā and Tauiwi communities. Together we are on a journey to navigate challenges, share stories, and weave solutions.
We believe that truly effective mahi needs to be created with whānau and communities.
Mātauranga Māori and Māori ways of working are central to our approach. We use culturally informed co-creation tools. Processes that are built on traditional Māori and Pasifika knowledge.

Ā Mātou Tāngata | Our People
Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Manawa,
Rangitāne, Ngāi Tūhoe,
Tūwharetoa, Whakatōhea
Ō mātou umanga | our agencies
why a collective?
We’ve chosen to operate as a collective rather than a traditional Western company because this breathes life into how we work. We have come together because we trust one another; whanaungatanga sits at the heart of how we work and what we do.
Te Huihui o Te Kakau is about relationships. We deliver jointly. We deliver strategic and creative excellence rooted in cultural knowledge and ways of being.